
Syntegon Tecnologia de Embalagem Limitada • Alphaville

  • Full-time


from today

A Syntegon Tecnologia de Embalagem Ltda faz parte do grupo Syntegon. Em Barueri-SP, somos responsáveis pelas atividades de serviços na região da América Latina. Nossos 
engenheiros e especialistas em serviços técnicos atendem clientes dos setores alimentício e farmacêutico. Fornecemos suporte abrangente a nossos clientes, oferecendo todas as 
linhas de produtos e serviços disponíveis na Syntegon.

Your duties

  • Realizar compra de matéria prima, componentes e peças sob desenhos dos produtos diretos, buscando racionalização técnica, através de cotações, analisando as propostas enviadas, comparando com o target definido, negociando com as partes envolvidas;
  • Desenvolver novos fornecedores através de visitas, análise de amostras de produtos, processo de fabricação e controle de qualidade;
  • Administrar os contratos de fornecedores de produtos diretos,  avaliando preço, qualidade, capacidade técnica e capabilidade de processo, com o objetivo de buscar o melhor preço, qualidade e prazo de entrega do produto;

  • Manter a carteira de fornecedores atualizada quanto aos contratos de fornecimento, qualidade e confidencialidade, acompanhando semestralmente as validades e analisando eventuais substituições, com o intuito de contar com os melhores fornecedores do mercado;

  • Manter registro dos preços vigentes, com arquivamento da documentação no SAP, para efeito de controle e auditorias internas.

Your profile

  • Habilidade de Negociação
  • Comunicação e pró-atividade
  • Visão de Negócio (mercado de máquinas de embalagens)
  • Conhecimento em SAP
  • Conhecimento avançado do idioma inglês
  • Conhecimento em leitura e interpretação de desenho técnico

More information


  • Convênio médico e convênio odontológico (abrangência nacional)
  • Previdência Privada (com co-participação)
  • Seguro de Vida
  • Bônus baseado no atingimento de metas
  • Restaurante no local

Compelling Reasons to join us:

Your Attractive Compensation Package

Benefit from competitive salaries and attractive additional benefits.

Your Work-Life Balance

For a better balance between work and personal life, we support you with flexible working time models.

Your Development

We support your career with personalized training opportunities and promote your career development, for example, through our talent programs.

Your Contribution

Sustainability is part of our identity. We promote a dynamic culture of innovation where you can contribute your ideas and creativity.

Your International Environment

Immerse yourself in an intercultural work environment and work on exciting projects worldwide.

Your Health

We promote health and well-being with a variety of health offerings.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Syntegon is a globally operating company that values diversity. We explicitly welcome an environment where all employees, regardless of gender, age, background, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or special needs, are equally valued.

Get to know us better

Your career as buyer at Syntegon
Your career as buyer at Syntegon
Syntegon - Processing and Packaging Technology
Syntegon - Processing and Packaging Technology
More Videos
Your career as buyer at Syntegon
Your career as buyer at Syntegon
Syntegon - Processing and Packaging Technology
Syntegon - Processing and Packaging Technology


Our awards

My Job. My Passion.

Commissioning Engineer

My passion is to make highly complex packaging systems work to the point.

Strategic Buyer

My passion is to achieve the best result for the department both qualitatively and commercially.

Software Developer

My passion is to make highly complex machines work with just a few lines of code.

Development Engineer

My passion is to develop a new machine concept from sketch to fully functional machine.

Our application process

1. Online application
1. Online application

Apply online for one of our advertised vacancies. You can do this easily with your smartphone in just a few minutes.

2. Application review
2. Application review

We review your application with our colleagues from the specialized departments and will get back to you within a few days.

3. Getting to know each other
3. Getting to know each other

The first interview will be conducted via video interview. For the second interview, we would like to invite you to meet us in person.

4. Decision
4. Decision

We will discuss the next steps with you transparently and provide you with timely feedback on our decision.


Apply now!
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